Have you ever found being interested in certain board games in our website, but found it’s out of stock and has no where to know when are we going to restock them?
No worries, after some research and development, we’ve implement one new feature in our website.
“Request Restock”
From now on, games that’s out of stock, you can trigger us, so that could let us know you are hoping for the game, while we can work on restocking them sooner!
Case #1 – If you logged in your account

If you aren’t logged in or haven’t be one of our customer, it can works too! Just put in your email address and it will works.

You will receive an email regarding your opt-in on request-restock. We will send you an email once the game is confirm coming in!

If you wished to see any better feature in our website, please don’t hesistate to contact us in our IG / Facebook so we could know it better!