Boom-Boom Clap! Boom-Boom Clap! We Will, We Will Rock You!
In this outrageously funny party game, everyone starts banging and clapping to this famous beat. If an opponent makes your unique gesture, you must respond with your own gesture and then one of another player’s. It may sound easy, but wait until you’re rockin’ out with multiple gestures and laughing too hard to keep the beat!
We Will Rock You (a.k.a. Rock the Beat) is great for parties. You can play it fast and crazy, or slow it down according to the crowd’s level of skill.
Boom-Boom Clap,Boom-Boom Clap,我們都很熟悉這個有名的節奏,所以準備好要開始拍手囉!
*NOTE* This is an English, Chinese bilingual edition. 這是中,英二語版。(Chinese)