Two households, the Chauforts and the Cunningfields, both alike in dignity, in their fair kingdoms… if only there wasn’t that ancient grudge…
 Ready… aim the catapults … LAUNCH!Â
Build your castle, set up your troops, and use your cunning tactics to conquer the floor!

Catapult Kingdoms is a game of last person standing.
Your objective is to knock down all your opponent’s troops!

Choose your side…

Build your castle…

Make a Plan…

Choose your Weapon…

Fire at Will!!!

Playing with more than 2 players is also possible with Catapult Kingdoms, but you will need the core game and at least the Siege Expansion (included with the Deluxe Edition). There are two ways to do this:
a) Team Play
If you are 4 players, you can divide into 2 teams of 2 players each. Each time a team takes a turn, you can have one player choose and play the Action Card and one player choose and fire the weapon.The next turn you switch roles. This makes the game even more fun because you can collaborate and come up with more elaborate castle designs and game strategies!
b) 3 or 4 players full support
To play a full game with 3 or 4 players you will need a second copy of the Core Game (if you also want to use the expansion you will need two copies of the Siege Expansion as well).
To play with 3 or 4 players, you set up like you see in the image below and apply the following rule: Every time a player is attacked (from any other player), they put the Distance Marker in front of their castle to mark the fact that they have already been attacked this round. NO other player can attack them as long as the marker is in front of their castle. At the beginning of the round, all Distance Markers are removed from in front of castles and returned back to their owners. If for any reason, when it is your time to use the weapon and you can not hit any other player (because everyone has a marker in front them), then you can draw two new Action Cards, keep one of them, and if you want you may immediately play a card (this means that you get to play two cards during your turn).