Zodiac Go! card game system is our best companion during gathering, party, coffee break or any casual time .
Zodiac Go! is design with oriental universe concept : Yin yang, five material elements and 12 zodiac time zone.
This game series consist of various games as following.
Every year, designer will released some new games by using the same card system.
Zodiac Go! (生肖乐园)是大家休闲连谊派对欢聚的良伴。这遊戏取材東方宇宙观,卡牌内容包含陰陽,五行金木水火土和 12 生肖时辰。
Zodiac Go! (生肖乐园) 卡牌遊戏系列包含以下遊戏。
1.) 福满人间 The Rite of Fortune
2.) 十月的庆典 The October fest
3.) 时光魔术师 Time travelling machine
4.) 宠物旅店 The pet hotel
5.) 双人Bingo Bingo for 2
6.) 五福临门 Give me five
7.) 招财猫进行曲 The March of Fortune Cat
8.) 偷光猫猫帝国 Pirates in the Cat Kingdom