The Eternal Palace has fallen into disrepair. As the leader of a noble house seeking the favour of the Emperor you plan to aid in its reconstruction. Collect the materials you need to contribute to rebuilding the Palace monuments, and commemorate the restoration by creating a beautiful painting of his beloved gardens.
Will your efforts catch the eye of the Emperor, or will your rival nobles be honoured instead? Only one house will win the Emperor’s ultimate recognition.

Eternal Palace is a highly interactive dice-placement Euro game for 1-5 players. Players assign workers, represented by dice, to locations based on their combined value. You’ll visit locations to gain resources, rebuild monuments, and gather painting pieces for your masterpiece.
Dice placement
The way dice are played in Eternal Palace is unlike any other game. You’ll roll dice and secretly group them behind a screen. Your opponents will know what dice you have but not how you’ll use them. Will you use the 3/4/5 to visit locations 3, 4, and 5 or will you group them to visit location 12? Or maybe something in between? Predicting your opponents moves and making a surprise move yourself really elevates Eternal Palace to a game that is truly great! Once the dice are locked in, you can either stick to your decision or use some wisdom to manipulate your dice and go somewhere completely different!
Interactive and positive gameplay
Unlike other worker/dice placement games that focus on blocking opponents, the interaction in Eternal Palace is focused around mini races at each location. Get to the top of a location’s track first and you’ll get a bonus point. The race at each location means you’ll always be interested in what your opponents are doing. Should you try to catch up or will you focus your efforts elsewhere?
Great table presence
Gaining points has never been so beautiful. Each painting layer you gather in Eternal Palace is layered onto your canvas to create a unique painting, which scores you points at the end of the game. If you win one of the race tracks, you’ll gain a unique feature piece and a bonus point.

*All photographs on this Kickstarter page are photos of the prototype, not a pre-production copy of the games, so dimensions, components and colours are subject to minor changes.

We’re currently working on a storage solution option for the painting pieces and we’re hoping to update everyone on the progress of this by the end of the campaign.

The Deluxe Edition is limited edition which is unlikely to ever come into retail stores or mass distribution. If it does, it will be at least 3 months after the base game.

Gather resources, Â recruit advisors, rebuild monuments, and create your masterpiece to gain the favour of the Emperor.

Roll your dice to see what values you have to play with this round. The player with the lowest total goes first. You’ll be able to see each others dice rolls but you’ll secretly group them behind a screen, so you won’t always be able to predict what other players will do this round

Group your dice to visit higher value locations  or keep them separate to visit multiple locations. You’ll even be able to manipulate your dice and change your strategy based on the other players’ actions.

Visit locations to gather resources. Visit with more workers to gain bonus resources. Resource gathering spots (and some other spots in the game) are also a race to the top: be the first up the track to gain a unique feature piece for your painting and an extra point for the end of the game

Advisors give ongoing benefits or powerful one-time bonuses. You’ll be able to recruit them at spots 1 & 2 in slightly different ways. At spot 1, draw 3 face down cards and choose from them, at spot 2, choose from the face up cards before your opponents hire them.

Contributing to rebuilding will gain you favour with the Emperor, and an art piece towards your masterpiece. You’ll also claim the monument to take credit for your contribution but timing is important and these monuments will change hands throughout the game so only one person can ultimately take the credit.

Creating your masterpiece is key to being honoured by the Emperor. The locations you visit will gain you a painting piece, which scores points and brings the game closer to an end. You might even get a unique feature piece to add to your painting if you’re the first to ‘complete’ a location.
Finishing your painting first and getting the longest ‘run’ of painting pieces will gain bonus points at the end of the game.

In the Solo Mode, you’ll play against the Master, an AI opponent. The Solo mode plays similarly to a 2 player game but after you’ve grouped your dice the Master’s dice groups are determined by the flip of a card.
When it’s the master’s turn he will decide where to go, first checking if any of his dice values are the same as yours (in which case he’ll try to beat you there) then checking which dice spots gain him a benefit (like going up a track or taking a monument)
The master is a worthy opponent, with 3 difficulty levels to suit all player skill levels.
The solo mode also has different sets of cards that can be used, which gives the master a different feel every time. This makes the solo mode very variable and offers a lot of replayability!
The solo mode is included in all versions of Eternal Palace.
Full solo rules are in the print and play folder

The Turn order tokens (included in the base game) give advanced players a way to alter their turn order and perhaps gain an advantage at a pivotal moment in the game! They can be played after dice are grouped but before they are revealed.

Each expansion adds a unique twist to Eternal Palace.
Race through the labyrinth to gain bonuses. Will you take the longer path to gain additional favour from the Emperor or will you race to the centre?
In the Exports expansion complete export requests at the market by trading goods and you’ll gain the benefit of the export.
You’ll gain the bonus when he export is complete and you’ll even be able to visit the fulfil the export request more than once to gain the benefit multiple times