More than just an aesthetic facelift, Cyclades Legendary Edition takes the original game to a whole new level. The Director’s cut by Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc combines the original game and its many expansions into a renewed, more epic, more thrilling gaming experience through an updated gameplay.
Among the major changes :
3 game configurations:
- A “Classic” mode for 3 to 5 players in which each player defends their own interests
- A “Teamplay” mode for 4 or 6 players, offering the possibility to play as teams of 2, mixing cooperation between teammates and confrontation against opponents.
- An enhanced and improved “2-players” mode
A modular game board is now built with landscape tiles assembled by the players during the setup of the game, allowing for everchanging maps and game strategies, bringing a constantly renewed gaming experience
6 gods instead of the 5 originals are now available, increasing players variety of actions
New free mandatory construction actions for the gods that considerably speed up the overall game time and the interaction between players
Mercenaries, a new unit that comes with the new goddess: Hera, who enforces your troops during battles.
New Creatures and Heroes are now available in the base game and have been reworked to offer new strategic opportunities in building metropolises and gaining decisive advantages on the battlefield.
Shorter and more dynamic bidding phases thanks to a new exponential bidding scale.
The new metropolis system provides for bonuses that will boost your assets.
All gaming elements and illustrations have been redesigned by the original artist Miguel Coimbra.

Cyclades Legendary Edition features over 150 finely detailed miniatures by talented sculptors Valerio Carbone and Thierry Masson. Each faction will shine through its unique design!

By praying to the new Cyclades Legendary Edition goddess, Hera, you can recruit a new type of Troop to take the advantage on the battlefield: Mercenaries.
They’ll fight your opponents alongside your own troops.

By taming the phenomenal power of the fantastic Creatures of the Cyclades, you’ll shake the courage of your opponents’ armies, on land and at sea.
Can you harness these ferocious creatures long enough to deliver a decisive blow to your opponents?

Hera has more than one trick up her sleeve.
She’ll allow the player who earns her blessing to recruit valiant Heroes to lead your troops into battle.
Will they galvanize your troops on the battlefield, or sacrifice themselves in a masterly coup to your glory?

Victory Condition
The goal of the game is for any player to control his third metropolis at the end of a round.

Activate your God’s favors & deploy your strategy