Black Rose Wars: Rebirth is a competitive fantasy game of deck-building, strategy, and combat set in the hectic universe of Nova Aetas in Italy, for 1-4 players.
Each player is one of powerful mages of the Black Rose Order, who aspires to become the new Great Magister, in order to acquire the mighty power of the Black Rose Artifact and the Forgotten Magic.
Each mage has at their disposal six schools of magic, each one with its own strategy to annihilate their opponents and increase their power. Mages fight each other in a modular arena of hexagonal Room tiles. They summon powerful creatures, cast destructive spells, or devise dark deceptions with their enchantments.
Are you ready to fight and become the new Great Magister?

Supporting a game on Kickstarter means following its development and being part of its success. Massive games like Black Rose Wars would never have seen the light of day following a more classic production line.
To reward all the backers who will support this project, a series of Stretch Goals are planned that will significantly increase the value of the game, adding components, miniatures and variability.
Looking at the first Black Rose Wars project, you can easily see the relevant economic difference between supporting the crowdfunding campaign and buying all its parts later through our online store.
Supporting Black Rose Wars: Rebirth also gives you the opportunity to obtain Kickstarter exclusives.

Untouched by events, Mastro Peio continues undeterred his business, creating new powerful items to sell in his shop.
In this section you will find all the available add-ons, they will be revealed over the course of the campaign. For each add-on, we will release an update to explain its contents and game mechanics.
You can purchase add-ons for your pledge through a drop-down menu before confirming your payment details or, if you already pledged, managing your Pledge on Kickstarter. It will add the additional cost to your pledge before finalizing your payment.

To improve the aesthetic and ergonomy of the game, a set of cosmetic add-ons will be available within the Pledge Manager to add them together with your pledge. Those items are also already available from our web store.

All models are in 38mm scale, in line with most modern games. Below you can see our models compared to those of other popular games.

Here, you can get a better idea of the scale between the different Rebirth models.

To create this project our sculptors, Fernando Armentano and TommasoΒ Incecchi, out-did themselves, giving true life to the new models. Each miniature has been studied and developed to provide the best possible result for the final product.
The experience they acquired during the last few years gives us the confidence to say that you will have in your hands some of the best miniatures within the hobby industry. Down here you can see details in some of our models from other projects, Β going from render to resin cast to final result (PVC).
Our sculptors work closely with the factory engineers to ensure that all miniatures match the highest possible standard within the market.Β We’re now managing internally all 3D prototyping, this gives our sculptor the chance to experiment different solutions, immediately see results and areas of improvement, with an overall increase of the miniature quality.