Drain your enemies’ strength with Heralds of Dreadfall, an Army Pack expansion for BattleLore (Second Edition). The Undead faction grows as mighty Death Knights, disembodied Wraiths, and a flying Barrow Wyrm join the Reanimates and Skeleton Archers to wage war against the living. A Plagueland hex and new Blight mechanic weaken your enemies, while a complete 20-card lore deck provides you with an arsenal of cunning tactical tools. Use 2 army cards featured in Heralds of Dreadfall to deploy powerful armies or invent others designed for your strengths as a commander – everything you need to field a terrifying Undead army is included. You can also combine the units of Heralds of Dreadfall with those of Terrors of the Mists to muster Undead armies beyond your foes’ imaginations.
Heralds of Dreadfall contains:
– 37 sculpted plastic figures representing 5 different Undead units
– Everything necessary to send these units into battle
– 2 army cards suggesting complete 50-point Undead armies
– A deck of 20 lore cards focused on the Heralds of Dreadfall units
– 6 scenario cards and 4 terrain tiles to transform the landscape of the battlefield
*NOTE* This is not the full game, BattleLore (Second Edition) is required for play.